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Financial Statement Templates

Your friendly neighborhood (former) CPA and spreadsheet nerd here begging you to keep track of the income and expenses you incur in operating your business. But never fear! I've made it super easy for you with my financial statement template! Everything within the "Income Statement" square in the top left corner has been coded with formulas that will automatically populate totals based on everything you input under "expenses" and all of the other categories. 


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Hey there, I just wanted to say that I so deeply appreciate the transparency and support this offers so many artists like myself. This is the totally unnatural unartistic side to running an art business and its one I’m still navigating to get right…thank you for not making me feel like I’m in the dark.

Appreciate this so much.


I love this!!! I’m definitely going to use these when I’m
Doing some 2022-23 planning. How often do you recommend updating these documents? And I wonder what gets included in the COGS, everything? I’ve heard things like labor go somewhere else. Can I just literally put everything I spend into
COGS and everything I make into the revenue category and see if it balances?

Almeta Tulloss

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